Propensity To Thrive (™)

We partner with companies to evaluate and increase employee sense of belonging, transforming company culture through leadership agility, and lowering the impact and cost of regrettable attrition.

Program Packaging

Level 1: Organizational Assessment

There is a high price tag with employee turnover. Understanding key factors associated with employees’ propensity to leave is the first step in reducing the turnover rate and creating a more appealing work environment. Within a 120 days period, you will receive Your Company Culture Diagnostic (™). This readout will show how programs, policies, retention and attrition trends, and people influence the current state of belonging at your company. In addition, you will receive a cumulative Employee Belonging Score (™) based on the individuals that have taken the Belonging at Work Online Assessment(™).


Additionally, we can work with your company to infuse belonging-based competencies into your hiring model upon request

Level 2: Leadership Assessment

Research has shown that managers are the number one reason employees are unsatisfied with their workplace and, subsequently, a key factor in regrettable employee attrition stemming from a lack of belonging. Understanding employee sentiment around belonging and personal leadership style against belonging factors will help leaders determine the best way to work to improve workplace belonging. Within 90 days, you will receive a report telling you:

Your managers will take a Belonging Assessment Instrument (™), (Web Based Tool).

In this offering, manager-specific assessments are provided for all managers within the company, including a focus on company cultural diagnostics that are tied to belonging in the workplace.

Followers of managers will complete the Leadership Assessment(™) assessment for each manager.

We will collect the ratings of your management’s leadership skills through the eyes of their followers.

After, findings from both will be cross-referenced with observations and interviews to identify specific strategies for management to address belongingness, or lack thereof, in the workplace, provided in a report of findings.

Belonging @ Work (shop)

Leaders are the most influential factor in an employee’s sense of belonging. In this hands-on, immersive workshop, leaders will walk away knowing how to unlock the 10 principles of belonging and create a place where everyone wants to work and be their best.

Single Day Option: 8:00am to 5:00pm (Local Time) which includes a working lunch/breakout.  (Multi-day option is available upon request)

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Per Workshop Session (Facilitated) pricing as available upon request
  • Licensing / Printing (per attendee) pricing as available upon request
  • Facilitator(s) T&E  (Billed to Host) pricing as available upon request
    <50 Participants = 1 Facilitator provided. +50 = 2 Facilitators required for the best experience.
  • Materials Shipping (To Venue) pricing as available upon request
Belonging at Work | Rebel Research Group

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